Russian writers on Gambling: You can buy casino games right here

17 Sep 2021

Yes, indeed, there were times when there was no admiral casino software and the whole gaming process was different, dear friends. Gambling and enthusiastic players did not appear in our modern or should we say post-modern age, but much earlier. A predilection for card games and other forms of recreation has afflicted various people for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. Regardless of their income, education, or pedigree. It is not surprising that gaming addiction did not neglect Russian writers — geniuses with their unstable inner world.

Pushkin and Gambling Debts

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, described by his contemporaries, was an inveterate gambler. However, he was not the luckiest, thus even after his death, he left enormous debts — about 120,000 rubles. This is an astonishing figure for the time. For 100,000 rubles at that time, you could buy an estate with 90 hectares of land and 270 serfs.

Indeed, the great classicist referred to cards as his only passion. No wonder that he wrote a mystical story “The Queen of Spades”, the plot revolves around a game of chance called Pharaoh.

Dostoevsky, Roulette and Work

Fyodor Dostoevsky went to a casino once, where he was deeply impressed by roulette, which took over his mind and spirit for a long time. After the winnings, the writer could not stop, losing everything he brought with him. Dostoevsky borrowed from friends and relatives, wrote frantic letters to his wife, who even sold her personal possessions to a pawn shop to help her husband. But he, having received the cash, immediately went to the casino table.

When he was losing badly and was wondering where he could find the money to pay his gambling debts, the muse would leave him, so he could no longer write. But when he couldn’t write, he would run out to soothe his nerves with a game of roulette. One can only imagine what temptations the writer would experience if he lived now while playing android casino games from Imperium-Games.

On vacation in Baden-Baden, the writer lost to the point that he took all the cash from his close friend Polina Suslova. The shame was so big that Dostoevsky had to sign a very unprofitable contract with a publishing house. This contract would have given the publisher the rights to all his future works for 9 years free of charge if he hadn’t delivered the finished book in a month. The author found the strength to break away from the playing table and dictated a new story to a stenographer in 26 days. So «The Gambler» was published.

Men playing faro in an Arizona saloon in 1895

Nekrasov and the Card Game Profits

Nikolai Alekseevich was a true champion of whist, poker, preference, and other games. Thanks to cards, he got out of poverty at a time when he was earning nothing from poetry. Nekrasov’s success was achieved by his observation, concentration skills, and self-control. He always kept in mind how his forefathers lost their wealth because of a craving for cards, he was cautious in the game and in the choice of players.

The poet gambled with very rich people who amused themselves at the table, thinking the lost money a trifle. Nekrasov chose games where any randomness was reduced to a minimum, but there was an opportunity to consider logically and understand the whole situation. Nikolai Alekseevich never left the gambling, even when he was already receiving a serious payment. He won on a regular basis, taking tremendous profits. On these funds, Nekrasov supported the monthly literary magazine “Sovremennik”. Envious people thought that Nekrasov cheated, but no one could convict him of swindling.

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