An online casino business obeys the same rules as any other. You create products and offer them to customers. You need to promote your services, and your profit depends on the quality of those services. Casino owners plan the scaling, assess the effectiveness of their decisions, and fulfill tax obligations. Processes here operate much like they do in any other field.

The online casino business has its distinctive features. People come to buy emotions. Winning is not their only goal. They can obtain money through other means that are more reliable and predictable. The player wants to wait for the stop of the reels with his heart in his mouth. He wishes to enjoy his victories. Psychologists say that a person appreciates the award more when he did not expect it.  Failure causes negative experiences. An alternation of wins and losses creates a crazy emotional roller coaster. So, when you plan your online casino business, your first goal is to provide strong feelings to gamblers.

High-quality game content stands as your primary tool. Carefully select the games you offer the players. We can help you with this.

Our team spends a lot of time on industry sites and forums, reading operators’ feedback. We’re scouring information to find the real gems. We have found on the market more than 30 companies that make incredibly attractive games. Our team wants the world to have a lot of great casinos. So contact us and we will share our treasures. Use them wisely to create your online casino business.

How to Build a Casino Game

If you don’t like any existing game, build a casino game yourself. It is useful to be recognizable. Your customers want to know that you have something special for them. Give them a reason to choose your website instead of any other online casino. They won’t see a difference if your only features are a logo and a design. So, you need something, which only you and no one else have.

We know how to build a casino game and are happy to tell you.

Firstly, pick a theme for your future game. It should be attractive for gamblers. Casino game developers monitor major cultural events and release games dedicated to them. Yggdrasil capitalized on the popularity of the ‘Game of Thrones’ saga and created a game with a similar name. Players like it very much. So, the game brought a lot of profit. You can follow this example.

Find an event that makes people thrilled. Something that attracts a crowd of fans. It could be a movie with fans yelling: «Shut up and take my money!» after seeing merch with familiar symbols, or something like this. Use it as the framework for your own game.

Then, choose a genre and create rules. It may be a table game, card game, fish-table sweepstakes, or anything you want. But try to make rules concise and understandable. If a player takes a long time to understand how to play, he will likely become fatigued or lose interest quickly. He’ll go to look for more understandable rules.

Suppose you choose the slot game. Let’s take a look closer at how to build a casino game. When you become clear about one kind of entertainment, you can create another species based on this model.

How to Build Your Own Slot Machine

When you are going to build your own slot machine, obtain a random number generator. You may hire a coder to create it or buy a ready-made template from a responsible supplier. The second way is easier and cheaper. Besides this, you get a generator with the permit documents. If you make an RNG yourself, contact the regulator to check it. Licensing authorities want to ensure that the results of the spins will be fair. They prohibit casino owners from cheating. No one should have a dishonor advantage.

Set RTP (Return to player) percentage. This indicator determines how much profit you get. Users prefer high RTP, but it reduces your profit. Find the balance between generating substantial revenue and maintaining player engagement.

When you build your own slot machine, create unusual game mechanics. Many companies seek to surprise players and offer them something they have not seen before. Add bonus spins, secret levels, «sticky» symbols, and mini-games. It increases the chances of winning and makes gameplay exciting.

Determine the required amount of reels and pay lines. The first slot machines were called «one-armed bandits» and had three reels and one payline. Modern technologies let us use five, seven, or even more reels. You can make as many pay lines as you want. Already exist slots having more than a thousand pay lines. Novomatic gave up winning lines at all. Instead, the winning amount determines the number of identical symbols anywhere on the screen.

Allow players to adjust their bets. Both risk-taking players and those who prefer a more cautious approach will find satisfaction.

 Add beautiful sound and graphic effects. Allow players not only to win money, but also to get aesthetic pleasure.

As you can see, you need a big team of professionals to build your own slot machine. A programmer will write code. Ensure he is good at his job and can create a high-quality program. A well-designed program efficiently utilizes device resources. Prioritize users with limited access to productive devices or reliable internet connections.

A Few Final Words

Our mission is to develop the ecosystem of the iGaming industry. Therefore, we do our best to support beginners and experienced operators. We want everyone who dreams of a gambling business to realize their dream. Join us, and we will change the world for the better together.

Please contact us If you need help to locate a programmer of this caliber. We will help you create any game you want. Lack of knowledge and skills will not hinder your journey towards your dreams. We always listen carefully to customers wishes.